Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 |
Five days ago Xiaomi has launched a Redmi Note 4 latest generation that comes with the processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 in India. In addition, with a choice of 2 GB of RAM, 2 GB, or 4 GB of internal storage, with options for 32 GB or 64 GB has been present in smartphone this one.
Redmi Note 4 version of India have IPS touchscreen 5.5 inch Full HD
resolution (1.920 x 1,080 pixels), rear camera resolution 13 MP, and
front camera with 5 MP resolution. With all combinations of hardware embedded in it make Redmi Note 4 direct recently hunted by many people.
This is evidenced by the hit of sales officially in India through the site Mi.com and Flipkart. The second recorded this e-commerce successfully sell 250 thousand units Redmi Note 4 (Snapdragon) in just over ten minutes on his first sale. According to the Xaomi party, the flash sale is becoming the largest online sales smartphone Xiaomi in India.
Note 4 (Snapdragon) has three variants that consists of RAM 2 GB +
storage 32 GB at a price of USD $142 , RAM 3
GB + storage 32 GB priced at USD $160 ,
and 4 GB of RAM + 64 GB of storage at a price of Rp2,5 or about USD $190. Later flash the next sale will be held on January 30, 2017.